Egyptians in California charged with slavery

Unfortunately, this kind of treatment of domestic servants is all-too-common in Egypt and the region, particularly the Gulf. These sadists decided they could do it in California too:

Egyptian couple in California plead guilty to slavery charges

Fri Jun 30, 7:45 PM ET

LOS ANGELES (AFP) – An Egyptian couple living in southern California have pleaded guilty to slavery charges involving a now-16 year old girl they forcibly kept working in their home for two years, according to US attorneys Friday.


Abdelnasser Eid Youssef Ibrahim, 45 and his ex-wife, Amal Ahmed Ewis-abd Motelib, 43, are accused of harboring an illegal alien, obtaining labor by force, and conspiracy.

The girl worked as nanny and housekeeper for a family of seven up to 16 hours a day, seven days a week.

“She had to work all day long,” Assistant US Attorney Robert Keenan said. “They used unlawful forms of coercion such as hitting and slapping, and threats of arrest by the police if she ever went outside on her own.”

The girl began working for the couple as a domestic servant in Egypt in 1999, and the couple brought her into the United States in 2000 where her forced servitude continued for two years.

The couple kept the girl in an unfurnished, unventilated, and unlighted garage that building inspectors deemed “deplorable.”

The slaveholders, who pleaded guilty Thursday, are expected to be sentenced to three years in prison and required to pay the girl 101,516 dollars in restitution.

Ironically, they could have given her a decent place to live, decent salary and flight back home once a year for much, much less than that. One only wishes these types of people could face jail in Egypt!

0 thoughts on “Egyptians in California charged with slavery”

  1. Horrible! But as you know this happens all the time in Egypt, and unfortunately those who do it, do not think of it as “slavery” for some reason. They hardly get prosecuted. Except I remember a couple of cases where some 3rd class TV star and others got sentenced for prison terms after their “maids” died or committed suicide to escape the abuse.

  2. The roots of the problem is not with the people who hire these girls, but with their parents who actually “sell” their children into slavery. I have heard from many people that poor rural families actually view this as a positive thing, they can send their daughter into the city so make some money and learn how to do housekeeping and then she can return to her village to get married a be a “good” wife.

    The crime is first and foremost with the parents and then the people who take in the girls. It’s sick, but slavery exists in probably almost every apartment building in Cairo. I know there are at least two different apartments in my building that have little girls as “live-in housekeepers,” but what can we do. Legally, we have no grounds for action because the girls parents hired her to the family they work for.

    What a world!

  3. This happens in Egypt too?? I had no idea – thought it was a South Asian/Gulf thing.

  4. i am surprised. i never heart about this, when i was in cairo? is this socially accepted or how come people do not talk about it?
    is slavery in egypt often connected to sexual abuse?

    there is no law in egypt against child work?


  5. If this is the national sport, no wonder that Arabs can’t rule themselves democraticaly. Most egyptians i know are not able to use their authority fairly..authority in arab world is just to be abused, no matter if its in parliament or in a household.

  6. The previous commentator may be interested in knowing that there was a recent police bust of a similar case in the American city where I live (restaurant workers, mainly illegal migrants, being locked up and forced to work under slave conditions) and there are countless similar cases in other democracies that I am familiar with. Human beings anywhere will try to get away with this sort of thing, given a chance – that’s where laws come in.

    The cultural specificity, I suppose, is that domestic labour is not really considered formal labour or something that can and should be regulated by law in many countries (esp South Asia) and it operates under a noblesse-oblige sort of understanding that the employing family will “take care” of the domestic worker, but the family pretty much holds all the power and it’s easy to hide abuse.

    Salika, are there child rights or domestic labour organizations who try to get contracts for these girls or offer them protection in case of abuse? Or is it all informal/people get kids from their home villages through family networks?

  7. You’re welcome! It would be nice if they published more often, but then I would have to mmet my deadlines sooner…:)

    About the Egyptian thing, some of our relatives in Morocco have “maids” and I was absolutely appalled at the treatment of what are basically young girls- no school,having to care for bratty kids, being ordered around and screamed at by some woman who thinks its beneath her to do her own housework…but the Americans living over there are just as bad, some of them. One I met boasted that she ahd her friends kept their maids’ id cards so they wouldn’t run away- these are often girls of 10-15 years of age- who should be in school or something.

  8. According to what I have heard from people, especially from my cleaner (who is a middle-aged woman), she told me that the bawab of my building works as a “agent” and can get young girls from his village to come and “work” for families. I thought it was strange when they all seemed to come from Minya.
    The problem with this is that the parents who send the girls do it voluntarily, like I wrote before, they think it’s a good thing because they will come back and will be very marriageable.
    This is all informal agreements arranged through the help of a middle man between the family of the girl and the people who hire her.

    What can Egyptian law do? There are a so many violations of the law happening every day here, the gov’t couldn’t care less about poor little girls working as “slaves.” The girls might get something like 100LE a month, so perhaps it’s not even considered illegal, but rather, real work, despite the fact that the girl might only be seven years old.

    I wish I could do something, but no one seems to care or bother to care!

    there is no law in egypt against child work?


    Salika, are there child rights or domestic labour organizations who try to get contracts for these girls or offer them protection in case of abuse? Or is it all informal/people get kids from their home villages through family networks?

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