300 Egyptians seek asylum in the Czech Republic

From Fustat:

During July and August, the Czech republic has recieved 300 egyptian asylym seekers, this is in sharp contrast to January when they recieved one.

The authorities thinks it´s the neighbour Italy that they wan´t to reach. The asylum laws in the Czech republic is somewhat milder than in Italy. Most of the Egyptians claim to be economic refugees, and that is not a reason for asylum in the Czech republic, or in any other country in the European Union. Some 90 egyptians left three different reception camps near Prague en massé last week, in what authorities think was an organized attempt to go to other countries. 19 of those where spotted by the police, and returned to the reception camps.

I don’t have statistics to back it up, but I have the distinct impression that there has been a major increase of Egyptians trying to cross over to Europe over the last five year.

0 thoughts on “300 Egyptians seek asylum in the Czech Republic”

  1. With the increase in unemployment rates and the depressing social and political circumstances, this increase in immigration (whether legal or not) comes as absolutely no surprise.

  2. I felt sorry for those Egyptians who have tried their best to get out from Egypt. These are desperate action taken by them to survive and live. Most of these men didnt have anything to loose so that is why they take the risk to go thru it even though they knew they might not make it or being caught by the immigration officers of that country. Mubarak are to blame for all of this. He is the reason for all the miseries and pain sufferred by egyptian people.

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