Press Conf 22 March: Organizers of 5th Cairo Conference Against Imperialism & Zionism

The organizers of the Fifth Cairo Conference Against Imperialism and Zionism invite you to attend their press conference, 22 March, 12 noon, at the Press Syndicate.
Representatives from the Muslim Brothers, Karama Party, The Revolutionary Socialists’ Organization, Labor Party will brief journalists and activists on the international gathering of anti-imperialist and anti-Zionist activists planned from 29 March to 1 April, and will take questions from the audience.
Activists from at least 15 countries, including Palestine, Iraq, Lebanon, Venezuela, South Korea, Turkey, Greece, Nigeria, Britain, Canada, Tunisia, Sudan, France, Iran, will be taking part in the conference sessions and forums, starting from 29 March. Such international contingent will be comprised of young and veteran trade unionists, human rights activists, leftists, Hamas members, several social movements representatives.

Click on Latuff’s cartoon below to download the invitation to the conference in Arabic, English and French…

Click to download invitation

The conference sessions will tackle the challenges and prospects facing the international anti-war and pro-Intifada movements, as the clouds of war on Iran gather. The participants will also discuss strategy and tactics for bridging the gap and uniting Islamist and leftist ranks in the face of US imperialism and Zionism.

Click on the poster below to download the final shedule of the conference talks and forums (in Arabic)…

Click to download schedule

Click on the logo below to download the registration form…

Registration Form

0 thoughts on “Press Conf 22 March: Organizers of 5th Cairo Conference Against Imperialism & Zionism”

  1. The poster and logo here are stunning.
    Unusually good…Is it possible to know who is responsible for the cairo conference poster?

  2. I’m sure Zionism and Imperialism are way high up there on the list of concerns for that Sudanese activist attending.

  3. Actually, yes, many Sudanese are very concerned with Zionism and Imperialism. Domestic problems don’t mean there are no foreign problems as well. There will be no Cairo pro-zionist and pro-imperialist conference because there is no support for those twin evils.

  4. Of course, the irony of this cartoon is that it demonizes “the other” (in this case, American soldiers) at the same time that it proudly stands up for Palestinian human rights. Note the way the eyes of the American soldiers are hidden, making them something less than human while oppressing the Palestinian. I’m not passing judgment on the event — I just think it’s funny that an event standing up against hate and, presumably, the dehumanization of the Palestinian people feels the need to dehumanize in turn through its images.

  5. Yes, good ‘ol Latuff, have to love his cartoons, he hasn’t quite built up to US soldiers eviscerating a pregnant woman, but that should come soon. I’m not quite sure why the Vietnam iconography is necessary — the soldiers, the uniforms, the victims, etc. — but he seems to like that look.

  6. Well, far be it for me to protest. He’s got his style down and everything. The “KILL VC” grafitti was a nice touch. He gets the detail on the 1911-model .45-caliber pistol pretty good too. I bet most soldiers in Iraq still wish they carried those instead of the Beretta 9mm.

  7. Unfortunately I am out of the country, but would like to listen to the conference(s) somehow. By any chance will it/they be podcasted?

  8. There is great irony in a Sudanese activist attending this conference when his own embassy, a mere stone’s throw away (literally, it’s the closest embassy from the Press Syndicate), is playing no small part in the genocide of Darfur. But I guess killing 300,000+ dark-skinned people doesn’t quite sound the alarm of imperialism in the Arab world.

  9. I think they need to keep spouting off about the “evils” of Zionism, etc., or else they might start thinking about the failures of their own societies, their countries, their tribes, their families, and themselves. It must be a very embarassing and shameful thing to be such an Arab. There doesn’t seem to be any way to help them as long as they’re hooked on this drug of moral cowardice.

  10. Solomon2 seems completely unaware – as most Zionist and American imperialist apologists are – that there is intense criticism and thought put into the problems and failings of governance, economy, and social issues throughout the Arab world. People speak out, suffer prison, torture, and abuse for it every day and have for decades and more. To say there is no thinking about the problems of their own society is ridiculous and shows ignorance in the extreme. Solomon2’s problem seems to be an inability to believe that one can be against both the evils of Zionism/Imperialism and those of domestic repression. Something a vast swathe of Israelis and Americans would do well to learn from, and especially to learn from the high degree of personal sacrifice genuine Arab democrats (secular and Islamist) pay every day in that fight compared to the paltry sums most in the richer world are willing to pay.

  11. Yes Anon, I am aware of some of it. What most Arabs don’t realize is the intimate connection between anti-Zionism and Arab backwardness and sufferrings: each is used to legitimize the other. To attempt to deny the viability, compassion, and justice of Zionism and Israel, writing them off as “evil”, is to mangle truth and justice to such an extent that any true evil can be perpetrated upon anyone, anywhere. Arab democrats and liberals can keep sacrificing, but they will always undermine themselves this way, because legitimizing anti-Zionism will always legitimize oppression. It is the story of the past sixty years.

    Allow me to add that I am very impressed that my previous comment was not deleted by our host., as I thought would be the case. It’s nice to be wrong, sometimes…

    Since problems with “Zionism” and “Imperialism” are such a small matter in comparison with the Darfur’s, Iraqs, Beiruts, Cairo’s, etc. of the Arab World, I propose that the correct thing to do is to hijack the conference agenda entirely, and insist that no statement on “Zionism” matters be made until the issues of free speech and Arab human rights in general are fully discussed and the attendees write a statement clarifying their position on these primary matters.

  12. But the Sudanese embassy is in Garden City, near the Canadian embassy, and the Press Syndicate is in deep downtown near the Supreme Court and the Lawyer Syndicate on Abdel Khalek Tharwat St. The two are quite far apart.

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