Dhimmitude with attitude

Read this hilarious right-wing blog post where every non-Muslim who interacts with Muslims (or is not right-wing) is called a dhimmi, Muslims are plotting to Islamize America by starting Arabic language schools, Canada and Europe are pretty much lost because of the cowardly dhimmis not fighting Islamofascism, and a whole lot more.

0 thoughts on “Dhimmitude with attitude”

  1. I have an Google alert with the words Copts, Coptic … and a third of the stuff I get is right-wing bloggers who illustrate this kind of ignorant islamophobic rhetoric using the case of copts as an example.

    Of Course they get their onfo from each other and from the most virulent coptic activist. I still see blogs accusing “muslims” (in general) to have murdered the coptic Armanios familly in NJ a couple years back when the police proved it was a drug related burlary gone bad by a white neigbors and his latino acomplice. Prejudice die hard.

    The work of pseudo historian Bat-Yeor who popularised the term dhimmitude in western circles is quoted all the time by these eightwingers. She is the one who wrote also Eurabia a pamphlet denouncing the muslim invasion of Europe.

    Strangely enough another third of the stuff I get with my Google alert is about Coptic stitching a method of book binding.


  2. I’m with Chris.

    The conspiracy theorists aren’t funny anymore.

    Public attitudes towards Islam and Muslims have severly hardened over the past 5 years, according to polls.

    These people are making headway, whether you think that’s ridiculous or not.

  3. “Prejudice die hard”

    No, knowledge dies hard. In Malmö, Sweden, 90 % of crime in which muslims are a part – rape, robbery, violent assault – it is the muslims assaulting the Swedes, niot the other way around. That’s the way it has been as long as there’s been muslims in Sweden. If that changes, then I might listen. Until that, I stay with Jihadwach, Robert Spencer and Bat-Yeor.

    Oh, and don’t try that race card. Asiatic migrants obey law although they are in similar social situation as the muslims.

  4. What are Asiatics? And aren’t some of them Muslims too? In fact huge swathes of Asia are Muslim, aren’t they?

    African-Americans in the US have disproportionately high rate of incarceration and conviction for crimes compared to their numbers. According to Matti’s reasoning, this must mean they are innately violent.

    Or there could be other factors involved.

  5. Matti, come down to New Orleans and see who does all the violence and rioting there. Here’s a hint: it’s not Muslims.

    How is it that American Muslims can be able to integrate and adopt American values yet Muslims in Europe cannot? Could it be because you people invited them to work in your post-war factories only to dump them in ghettoes later on? Or perhaps its the flaw in your bullshit socalist polcies that cause it?

    Like I said earlier, come down to New Orleans and see who caused all the looting and rioting and rape there. You saw the coverage of Hurricane Katrina, so you can make your own judgement.

    BTW, I’m an American Muslim studying law and I don’t engage in violent assault, rape, or murder, and neither do other normal Muslims. Stop generalizing you bigoted tard!

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