Maryland bans Israel junkets

Ban on Political Junkets to Israel Deals Blow to Lobbying Efforts –

Washington – In a challenge to one of the most powerful lobbying tactics used by the Jewish community, a county in Maryland decided last week that local legislators could no longer go on sponsored trips to Israel.

Montgomery County’s ethics commission decided last month that council members are prohibited from traveling at the expense of the local Jewish community, even when funding is indirectly provided by a private foundation. A trip planned months in advance was subsequently canceled.

“We were stunned by the commission’s decision,” said Ron Halber, executive director of the Greater Washington Jewish Community Relations Council, which organized the trip.

In an e-mail to a Montgomery County legislator, the ethics commission wrote that “the routing of monies through a lobbyist organization to provide travel services makes the gift unacceptable.”

The decision has such weight because sponsored trips to Israel are widely used by Jewish groups both nationally and locally to build support for Israel among non-Jewish leaders and to cultivate one-to-one relationships between American and Israeli leaders. On a national level, the trips have recently come under scrutiny amid the scandals surrounding Washington lobbyists and their relationships with lawmakers. The Montgomery County decision now brings the dilemma to the local level, as communities face the need to adjust to the changing winds in Washington and growing concerns about the power of lobbyists.

Someone needs to campaign to make the ban nationwide.

0 thoughts on “Maryland bans Israel junkets”

  1. MoCo, woo! I would also like to point out that 99% of the ‘Israel Lobby’ referred to by Walt+Mearshimer lives in Montgomery County. So a nationwide ban is a little nutty, but this is still good news.

  2. The end of the article:

    ‘ Halber said that if the ethics commission does not change its mind, local leaders are poised to find ways of changing their funding system to make the trips possible. “One thing is clear,â€� Halber concluded. “We are not stopping our missions to Israel.” ‘

    It sounds like this “ban” is more of a technicality, based on ethics regulations about gifts to lawmakers from lobbyists. If that’s all it is, then they’ll figure out a way to fund it so that it’s not in violation.

    Outside issues on the ethics of gifts to lawmakers and all that, I don’t see why you make such a fuss about trips to Israel. It’s a small country that gets a disproportionate amount of attention. Why shouldn’t its supporters offer these sorts of trips? There’s nothing wrong with a trip. It’s not immoral. It’s not unjust. Most people outside Israel can’t make heads or tails out of the Israel-Arab conflict, let alone of the Middle East, from just watching the news (be it CNN or BBC or Al Jazeera), so it behooves Israel and its supporters to at least invite people to come and see the place for themselves.

    And no one is stopping rich Arabs–I hear there are a few of them around–from supporting informational trips to shed light on the plight of Gazans, y’know. Trip like that, done right, would surely and rightly melt the heart of any normal American. Well… until Hamas kidnapped the trip participants, I suppose.

  3. I’ve worked in US politics and agree with Dan wholeheartedly. Montgomery County, one of the richest in the nation, can ban trips funded by lobbyists, but that won’t stop the lobbyists from finding and exploiting a loophole (of which there are many).

    While I don’t necessarily agree with Dan’s opinions on the innocence of trips by US lawmakers to Israel (which are much more than just sight seeing expeditions and can involve interaction with high-level members of the Israeli govt. depending on who sets them up), his point regarding the benefits a counter lobby is important.

    The “Israel lobby” is commonly referred to as the “most well organized lobby in Washington”. The “lobby’s” effectiveness at passing legislation beneficial to Israel, especially in light of the possible conflict of interest for US lawmakers, is remarkable. Banning trips funded by the “lobby” wont solve anything (moving money into a non-profit, having people write their donation check to a separate entity created specifically for sending lawmakers on junkets…these are easy things to do).
    The only way that Palestinians, or Arabs for that matter, can hope to get their message heard is to form a well funded, well designed lobby of their own.

    Such a lobby could, and should, focus on more than just the lawmakers and begin to bring pressure to bear on the major media outlets as it pertains to US media coverage of the Israel-Palestine conflict. Attempting to convince lawmakers on an issue is only a plausible option if you can convince them that they have constituents who care about that issue (even if only a few wealthy ones). It is hard to build a case that there is even an awareness of the issue if one cannot find a story in a newspaper, tv or on the radio, detailing the conditions you are claiming exist.

    Breaking the silence of the media is the key to breaking the silence in the consciousness of America.

  4. You know, I think a great deal of Americans do know about Israel/Palestine. Even the nazi fascist babykilling zionists like most of my friends and family understand how much life in the gaza sucks, they really do. It’s just that, you know, people really aren’t being killed in abnormally large numbers in Palestine any more. In Sudan, yes. In Chad, yes. In the DRC, yes. In Afghanistan, yes. In Guatemala, yes. In Somalia, yes. In Ethiopia, yes. In Iraq, holy shit yes. In China and North Korea, we don’t really know, which in a way is more freaky than ‘yes’. So there is no ‘silence of the media’ or ‘silence of consciousness’. I understand that this blog is called ‘Arabist,’ so in a sense its expected that it’s writers and readers think more attention should be focused on the Arab world, but you can fuck an igloo if you think we imperialist fascist nazi zionist baby-killing Americans are too stupid and self-absorbed to care about your ‘issues’. In case you haven’t noticed, every goddamn country in the world thinks they don’t get enough attention in the US media. AMERICANS, LIKE EVERYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD, DON’T SIT AROUND READING NEWSPAPERS ALL DAY. SO FUCK YOU, FUCK THE PRO-ISRAEL PEOPLE, AND FUCK THE PRO-PALESTINE PEOPLE. I DON’T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOUR HOLY STRIP OF LAND, JUST AS I DON’T EXPECT YOU TO GIVE A SHIT ABOUT DC STATEHOOD OR PREDATORY LENDING IN ECONOMICALLY DEPRESSED URBAN AREAS. STOP LOBBYING OUR GODDAMN SENATORS AND LET MY COUNTRY FOCUS ON THE EXCESS OF DOMESTIC PROBLEMS THAT HAVE EXACERBATED SINCE THIS PAP SMEAR BECAME PRESIDENT 7 YEARS AGO.

  5. Based on the comments posted, an outsider would be lead to believe that salvation and justice for Palestinians is dependent upon raising enough cash to win over the ignorant, over-pampered louts who populate the US Congress, the executive Branch and now even state legislators. In summary, a bunch of foreigners will decide if the indigenous people of Palestine have any rights to their homes, property, history, past, present and future. If that is not Imperial Arrogance and racism, I don’t know what is.

  6. Good comment Richard. This is far greater than a political arena though. The state religion of ‘zionist christianity’ pervades America and when they consumate their relationship you can kiss humanity goodbye. This isn’t nazism IT’S COMMON SENSE. Look at the atrocites they perform in plain sight of the world while it watches in silence while waving bin laden and swastikas ’til it makes a person with reasonable intelligence puke.

  7. Give Dan the benefit of the doubt.

    “Most people outside Israel can’t make heads or tails out of the Israel-Arab conflict, let alone of the Middle East, from just watching the news (be it CNN or BBC or Al Jazeera), so it behooves Israel and its supporters to at least invite people to come and see the place for themselves.”

    YEAH… Which is why United States lawmakers should be invited to the country… to see it for themselves… because they’re intrinsic to the situation…

    “And no one is stopping rich Arabs–I hear there are a few of them around–from supporting informational trips to shed light on the plight of Gazans, y’know.”

    So? The Israeli lobby has far more power and influence. What’s your point, sparky?

    ” Trip like that, done right, would surely and rightly melt the heart of any normal American. Well… until Hamas kidnapped the trip participants, I suppose.”

    WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Democratically elected organization of Hamas does not support the state of Israel, in a manner similar to to Israel’s neglect of Palestinians! OMMFG, WHAT is the world coming to?

    WAAH!!! Mommy, the US doesn’t want to give Israel more blank checks!! Armageddon has arrived, just like in the Bible!!!1!1one!!11!! 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁

  8. WHY does a local lawmaker have ANY need whatsoever to go to Israel in the first place? Isn’t their ONLY priority to serve the citizens OF their respective county IN that county? Why aren’t these same lawmakers going to Dublin, Ireland? Or Stockholm, Sweden? I’ll tell you why- because there is NO NEED TO! Just as there is NO NEED to go to ISRAEL! Follow the money………………..

  9. This is unrealistic. But, requiring reporting it as a gift, for the purpose of income taxation would make it possible for journalists to think twice, before accepting an invitation.

  10. Free holidays in other peoples misery.

    Who could even dream of going on a ‘holiday’ that is entirely paid for with the blood of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, Lebanese and Syrians. Not to mention the 6,000,000 ‘displaced’ Palestinians since 1948, whose stolen land has been used to build this Disneyland of the Midlle East. Shame on anyone who would wish to celebrate this kind of wholesale theft and murder.

  11. I live in MoCo and can assure anyone reading this that Montgomery County Maryland is a safe haven for AIPAC and their ilk. The chosen rule this county in every aspect from the media, government, business, education, courts. We were the first to have installed the fraudulent discredited evoting system. MoCo…” the unrepentant home” of Abramoff and surely many other treasonous dual citizen spies.

    Every elected position is either occupied by a dual citizen of Isreal or has a carefully placed puppet of the same. From MoCo comes Jewish lawyer, Douglas Gansler, who was *elected* Attorney General of the State of Maryland. Can anyone NOT believe that these unindicted criminals feel Maryland is a safe haven.

    No wonder Dick Cheney bought a chunk of land on the eastern shore of Maryland. He can rest easy. No need for a quick escape by boat when the International Court finds him guilty as charged with “crimes against humanity”.

  12. Any American politician who takes favors from a foreign govt or lobby group should be immediately fired for possible treason. I dont care if the country involved is Israel or Sweden. I hear people say that Israel is our only friend in the Middle East….well I am old enough to remember that before Israel, we had no enemies in the Middle East. It is time to cut the purse strings and let the Israelis fend for themselves…maybe they will not be so eager to attack their neighbors and start wars if they think that they, not we, will fight them. I applaud Montgomery county …however, the ban should apply to all foreign countries.

  13. Until this matter is resolved, BAN all FOREIGN TRAVEL to ISRAEL, OR TURKEY, OR EGYPT for that matter that includes GIFTS.


    The time has come for Israel to grow up, for Turkey to fend for ITSELF, and for the Palestinians to have their own state and sovereignty.

    And for all the suicide bombers from Arabia to Israel to be locked up, period.

  14. There is no silence of the US media on Palestine. The fact of the matter is, there isn’t a whole lotta shit going on in that prt of the world right nw! thre are significant numbers of people currently being killed in sudan chad drc guatemala iraq afghanistan ethiopia cote d’ivoire zimbabwe and probably china and n korea (though we don’t really kow, which in a way is more scary). so don’t freak the fuck out at the US media. in case y havent notied, there are arabist-esque sites for every single part of the world and every single one of them claims the US media is ignoring their issues, eithe out of ignorance or out of sme jewish/zionist/nazi/fascist/imperialist/babykilling conspiracy. so all y assholes who bitch abt the US media can GO FUCK AN IGLOO. Seriously, I think I speak for all Amricans when I say we have othr tings to do with our liv than read nspapers all day, jus like the rst of the world. I dont freak the fuck out when my palestinian friend doent know abt DC statehood or predatory lending, s why are y all freaking out because I’m not aware of the latest minor human rights volation in your ever so holy land. And hey, in case y havent notcied, George Bush hs been fucking shit up at home too. Tell me, as an American, why I should devote any of my time to an insignificant skirmish taking place 8000 miles away, when our public educatn system is getting raped and our civil liberties are being hanged in pubic, just like all those Iranians. SO ALL YOU PRO-ISRAEL/PRO-PALESTINE peple CAN GO FUCK YURSELVES AND STO LBBYING ALL THE GODDAMN PEOPLE I ELECT. I DON”T CARE ABT YR DEMOGRAPHIC PROBLEM AND I DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOT THE SEPERATION/APARTHEID/SECURITY/GENOCIDE WALL. Seriously, I don’t. NOt when there are so many more prssing global conflicts, and not when I hav to worry abot my student loans and whether or not I can afford the 4 cldren i hav always wned t have on the salaray of a high scool history teachr.

  15. Jewish oil Billioniare buys every elected official in Oklahoma a trip to the jewish fort in Palestine.

    Sextortion anyone?

    The philanthropist from Oklahoma

    “The first $500

    Schusterman is strict about her privacy and rarely gives interviews. She is a slender woman with a light voice and looks younger than her age. She was born in New York 68 years ago, the fifth generation of Jewish immigrants from Germany and France, and grew up in an established and anti-Zionist Reform community, as was prevalent in the Reform movement during that period. The person who changed her view of the world was her husband Charles, who supported Israel unreservedly. “My first memory of Israel is from 1967,” relates Schusterman. “We lived in Tulsa and my husband had just started the business. One day, just before the Six-Day War, we went to the bank together and deposited $500 for the State of Israel.”

    Some 10 years later, the couple came with their three children on their first visit to Israel in the framework of a United Jewish Appeal delegation. Since 1988, the Schusterman family has been ensuring that every elected public official in the state of Oklahoma comes for a visit. “I fell in love with the country and the people,” says Schusterman. “As someone who comes from a city where there are only 2,000 Jews, I felt that Israel was a home.”

    Her connection to Israel picked up in 1997, when she purchased an apartment in a prestigious residential building in Jerusalem, where she spends several weeks a year.

    In the U.S., the name Schusterman is identified with the Republican Party and her husband, who was the vice president of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), was considered close to the moderate right in Israeli politics. However, Schusterman refrains from taking a stance and does not contribute to Israeli politicians. The only element that Schusterman is prepared to attack willingly is the American media. “In the Lebanon war, the media in the U.S. was so judgmental toward Israel. We didn’t shoot first and we didn’t abduct soldiers and we didn’t use children as human shields.”

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