0 thoughts on “GazaSiege.com”

  1. The Gaza Anthem


    We will not go down!

    Play it loud, chant it everywhere, let them know that We will not go down!

    We will not go down
    In the night, without a fight
    You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
    But our spirit will never die
    We will not go down
    In Gaza tonight

    Please spread it, embed it when you can, and let YouTube and the entire world hear that we will not go down!

    “We will not go down (Song for Gaza)” – composed and performed by my extremely talented brother, God bless him.

  2. The international community is silent because they view this massacre as a war between Israel and an Iranian proxy. Encouraged by this silence Israel exposes its true face. There is a tiny, if any, security benefit in crushing Gaza. Hamas offered ceasefires all along and its primitive rockets could be intercepted by a system based on the Phalanx canon that the Israeli MoD refuses to deploy.

    Why do the Israelis crush Gaza and with such enthusiasm? As an Israeli the answer is clear to me, it’s because people here love it when Arabs are killed. Politicians who manage to do it with minimal Israeli casualties are admired and their way is paved.

    New historical revelations teach us that the Arab states didn’t seek wars with Israel. When such wars were provoked Israel usually won due to Arab lack of motivation, Israeli soldiers fear of genocide and having more and better arms.

    I don’t think this situation will prevail for long. Non-Arab Muslim nations who really know how to fight are slowly joining the scene. First Iran, then Iraq, Turkey, maybe Pakistan. A US bogged down by a trillion dollar deficit a year wouldn’t be able to support a huge war machine nor those of its allies. The regional balance of power will shift and this combined with the internal disintegration of Israeli society will end the current state.

    So why the Israelis do their best now to justify their bad name? I think this is their way to bolster their courage. They call this “deterrence” but it’s actually all in their heads.

    Another reason is to test Obama. Can he really change the direction of US policy or only talk? Half confident in their power they perform the opposite of his expected policy and wait to see his reaction. They’re effectively taunting:

    Nigger Nigger
    Sissy teacher
    Nigger Nigger
    Mine is bigger

    I think Obama understands he is being challenged. What his reaction will be? I don’t know. He was elected to pick the pieces of a crumbling empire and mend it. Is it possible?

  3. Assalamu Alaikum,
    Muslims around the world are fasting in solidarity with the people of Gaza until the offensive ends.
    It is expected that the offensive is going to continue for another two or three weeks.
    As Muslims, we are responsible and will be accountable for what is happening to Muslims (Palestine, Chechnya, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sudan, etc.) around the globe today.
    The least we can do is fast in solidarity.
    GAZA SONG: http://ie.youtube.com/watch?v=dlfhoU66s4Y
    Please forward to all Muslims you know, even if you do not agree.

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