Fallujah on the silver screen

The Guardian reports:

Hollywood has joined the war. Universal Pictures announced yesterday that it is to make The Battle for Falluja. To prove it is serious, it has enlisted Indiana Jones himself, actor Harrison Ford, to help defeat the insurgency.

The article goes on to say that the movie will tell the story of the Battle of Fallujah from the point of view of US Marines and US politicians.

0 thoughts on “Fallujah on the silver screen”

  1. I can see it now….
    Not only will they market the “insurgency” as the evilest of the evil, they will portray the “battle” as a clear cut American victory as liberty permeates the air to some clever nationalist song as the credits start rolling.

    I hate when hollywood, by its own decision or on orders, gets involved and starts playing politics. They are going to distort the hell out of history that is still getting written.

    Leaves one to wonder – Whose hearts and minds do they need to win or keep? Iraqis or Americans?

    Just a little dose of my Friday cyncism.

  2. Leaves one to wonder – Whose hearts and minds do they need to win or keep? Iraqis or Americans?

    Obviously, there’s no point in winning Iraqi hearts and minds since all they’ll do, even when they’re obstensibly on the American’s side, is raisy pesky questions about the number of civilians tortured and killed. Why are they so ungrateful?

    This film is a new addition to the vast amount of pro-war propaganda that is churned out daily here. Made up of feel-good songs about guns and soldiers, pro-war TV “news” 24/7 and a continuous stream of talking points repeated ad nauseum, this kind of material inflates the egos of the war-supporting, popcorn-gorging public so they can feel good about themselves and their president.

    In retelling the story from, people’s minds will be unable to distinguish the dramatization of the events they see on the screen from the actual events as they occur thus creating a personal, alternative reality. Then, when confronted with the fact that Marines sometimes shoot unarmed, immobile opponents, these folks won’t blink an eye because they’ll remember the scenes from the movie and justify the murder in their own minds.

  3. if only they put on the film what really happenned , the world could see how cowards are the marines and how heroic was the behaviour of falluja’s resistants . what really happenned in falluja can reverse your idea about both usa and iraq.

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