Al-NDP Al-Youm

I read in today’s Al-Ahram that the ruling National Democratic Party has launched Al-Watani Al-Youm, as a new daily mouthpiece for Mubarak’s regime. The 1st issue supposedly was out yesterday, on the same day the new press law was passed… I haven’t seen the newspaper anywhere yet.
The name “Al-Watani Al-Youm,” (The Patriot Today) rhymes with the already existing liberal daily Al-Masri Al-Youm, (The Egyptian Today) the best Arabic daily we have in Egypt in my view.
I still don’t know what will happen to the the NDP’s original paper Mayo, which is more or less The Onion of my father’s generation.

0 thoughts on “Al-NDP Al-Youm”

  1. Hehe..w ra2yees el tahrir is the son of Hasan El Alfy
    and u call this a newspaper…no one will buy it.


  2. Does the NDP AlYoum imitate the look and feel of AlMasry AlYawm to be sold in AlAtaba in place of the original!

  3. I’m Akhbar Al Nogoum all the way, although some of the tabloids with incredibly busty front-page girls tempt me occasionally. But I forget their name.

    Actually, there’s been talk of replacing Mayo with a more geel gedid publication for a while. I guess having Nahdet Misr partly on their side and Rose Al Youssef in their pocket just wasn’t enough. But I bet Mayo will still publish, because, in classic Egyptian style, you can’t shut down any institution that depends on the government, if you’re unhappy with it you just have to start a new one while still sustaining the old one. Look at all the paralle bureaucracies that exist in the country!

  4. The Arabs are the scourge of the earth. Where there is Arabs there is murder, mayhem, and chaos, and that's just how you like it. In the Egyptian trash publication that passes for a newspaper "al-watani" there was a cartoon like picture originally shown in 2010 of an Israeli octopus, wrapping it's tentacles around a Turkish ship with a swastika on its far head, from the "flotilla." You Arabs live in your own sick delusional world. The "flotilla" was never the peace mission you tried to sell it as being, but I am sure you are aware of that. In reality, the Flotilla's real purpose was to smuggle weapons into Gaza so Arab terrorist can continue killing innocent Israelis. If you would bother to look at the video tape of the incident as it really happened, Israeli inspectors boarded the ship to make you sure the cargo was food and not weapons. When the Israeli inspectors learned that the only food that was on board was rotten and used to try and hide weapons, Turkish thugs surrounded IDF soldiers and began beating them with metal clubs, they were asked several times to stop but didn't listen, so they got shot, which is exactly what should have been done. The incident was exposed to be yet another Arab lie and death mission but it backfired and proved to the world once again, the scum you truly are.

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