Language barrier

The Guardian’s Middle East editor, Brian Whitaker, continues his look at Arab publishing and literature in Language barrier.

I would only add that the state of affairs that Whitaker describes is not true for French publishers, which do quite often publish Arabic novels, either in translation or those written in French by Arab authors from North Africa or Lebanon. In fact, some very successful publishing houses like Actes Sud have specialized in publishing non-European literature. I can’t really think of anything equivalent in the English-speaking world.

We linked the previous one here.

0 thoughts on “Language barrier”

  1. Issandr:

    I noted on my blog that the Arabphonic Frankfurt Book Fair is opening on Wed. Can’t you take a look at that and write an article on it? [I mean in English, of course!]

    Also would be interested in you pointing out some good writers well translated into English. Or could you at least mention your recommendations?


  2. Dear Button:

    By sheer coincidence, I am currently in Morocco where there has been a stir about the Arab fair inviting the Arab world as a whole, prompting the minister of culture and key writers to stage their own Moroccan stand in protest. I’ll post about this soon. And I’ll be flying back to Cairo on Friday via Frankfurt and should be able to spend a few hours at the fair, an report in greater detail. So there’ll be more in a few days,

  3. Great website!! Though studying all aspects of this site I’ve learned how Arabic culture and politics actually is. I’ve huge interest to learn Arabic language. I think it’s one of the amazing languages in the world.

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