Blog to America

Here’s an interesting project:, which essentially publishes letters addressed to America. Many of them are from bloggers from the Middle East.

0 thoughts on “Blog to America”

  1. Jesus fucking christ, this reads like the editorial page of Al-Ahram if you cycle it through google translator a couple times. Americans know their presdent sucks, they’ve been hearing the same shit for the past seven years. What’s going to happen when Obama is president in 2008? Hopefully people will turn their attention to their own horrible leaders.

  2. We muslims should not blame America for our woes. Our leaders are responsible for our problems. They are the one who are oppressing us.

    We must correct them. Instead of accusing America for their crimes.

  3. I just took a quick look at the first few letters and I like this blog. The only problem is that most Americans don’tknow what the world thinks of us, and of that group, most of them don’t care. This website is probably more cathartic than anything else- but still interesting.

    as for knowing our president is a homicidal moron- well- he still hasn’t been impeached yet, has he? I guess stupping an intern with a cigar is worse than eviscerating the Constitution, murdering habeus corpus and ignoring both Congress and the Supreme Court, but what do I know-I’m just a lowly voter.

  4. Well, I bounced around the blog a bit and I think it’s rather interesting. The sad part is that most Americans don’t know what the world thinks of them and of that group, most don’t care..
    As for being aware about how bad their leadship is, well, Bush hasn’t been impeached yet, has he? I guess stupping an intern with a cigar is so much worse than being a homicidal moron who has gutted the Constitution, murdered habeous corpus and said screw you to the Congress and the Supreme Court. But what do I know? I’m just a lowly, taxpaying voter…

  5. While it’s probably true that most Americans don’t know what the world thinks of them, are Arabs any more aware? My guess is no, and any “awareness” they do have is just the propaganda fed by the state. Would a site like this even be allowed in some Arab countries? My props to these guys for pursuing this noble cause of increasing much-needed awareness in the American community. Arabs countries could use a site like this.

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