playing catch up

The beating that John McCain continues to take over his assertion that Petraeus goes out everyday in an “unarmed Humvee� and that Americans can stroll about downtown Baghdad in shirt sleeves might be old news now, but it still has entertainment value.

“I think you ought to catch upâ€� McCain told Wolf Blitzer when he got home. These days it looks like it’s McCain, trailing two unelectable competitors for the Republican nomination, who needs to do some catching up.

Michael Ware is denying, sort of, the Drudgereport story that he laughed at McCain and heckled him during the Green Zone press conference in which he made the original comments. CNN hasn’t released the tape of the conference yet, but note two things. First, that a CNN story later mentioned that McCain “became testy when pressed.” And secondly, that Ware only denies misbehaviour during the conference, and neatly rules out speaking about what happened after the conference “abruptly ended.”

There’s also an video here of McCain getting smacked around on CNN the day after he talked to Blitzer, though, and a transcript here of CBS’s Allen Pizzey referring to his comments as “utter rubbish� (and the rest of the interview is worth a scan as well).

0 thoughts on “playing catch up”

  1. Mullah Cimoc say him ameriki so hypocrite.

    him so wicked and cruel for watch zionist media control tv show and get so stupid every day.

    him say him christian but never read him bible.

    him christ him teach forgiving. so many usa ameriki people say i am christian but not christian-just fake it for lie and love money and the torture. also the new refrigerator and 7-11 cheese nachos.

    for this all ameriki society destroy and the ameriki child girl she taking shot for destroy the reproduction organs. and usa government this forcing.

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