“Egypt rejects American Satan”

Remember this headline, in the state-owned newspaper of a supposedly secular, US-friendly regime run by a military that receives $1.3bn in US aid per year.  Via:

And while we’re at it: 

0 thoughts on ““Egypt rejects American Satan””

  1. So now they’re trying the whole "distract from our looming return to dictatorship by fomenting animosity abroad" tactic, which should have been expected.

    After Egypt potentially goes through the same military rule garbage all over again, hopefully the next president will at least try to purge the military and bring them in line. People give Erdogan crap over purging the military leadership in Turkey (and it is true that he’s gotten thuggish and Putinesque in recent), but it ultimately had to be done if civilian governments in Turkey didn’t want to have to constantly look over their shoulders to make sure that the military didn’t topple them in a coup.

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