Updates on Lebanon

Can’t remember if Issandr posted something before or not about this, but when you get the time try following this blog, Arabist reader Chaymaa sent me. It posts good updates, maps and illustrations on the Israeli aggression against Lebanon.

Chaymaa also sent another blog by a French-Lebanese teacher, War on Lebanon, July 2006, which also tries to provide updates on the situation in English and French.
Here’s a map of the latest Israeli operations.

0 thoughts on “Updates on Lebanon”

  1. The world is awaking in recognizing what Israel really is.

    If Israel is going on this way, it is ordering the adequate answer.

    Who will be next?
    Syria? Iran?

    And then? Russia? China?

    There are stronger forces in the world, who definitivly won´t wait till they are attacked by a satan of megalomania.

    If satan commits a bigger fault than this, this hell machine will come to an end.

    One can get the impression, that satan wants Armageddon and that the desert sand is going to melt to glass by the heat of some topols.

  2. Sir.
    I am a Seventh Day Adventist Christian. I have just seen the carnage that Israel has inflicted Lebanon with. I am absolutly appalled at the devastation ande murder of innocent lives. As a
    Christian the God whom I serve does not allow me to carry out
    or do such things, for if I did I would never be allowed into heaven. Here in Australia we have no borders to worry about just the countries north of the continent. I personally would not go to war even if it broke out here DOWN UNDER. Once again I am disheartened of the grafic pictures I have just viewed, and
    I sympathize with them all.

    I am yours truly.
    The kid from down under.
    May the force be with you. Live long and prosper my friend.

  3. Umlandt Gerhard
    Gabriel-Mayer-Strasse 2
    84503 Altoetting


    Terrorism goes democratic

    What will be, if terrorists will not only
    attack airplanes and airports, but
    any houses and apartments anywhere,
    completely by chance, anywhere in the West?

    A few airports can be protected, but not
    millions and millions of houses in the West!

    This houses and civillians would be totally
    without protection, just like in Korea, just like
    in Vietnam, just like in Afghanistan, just like
    in Iraq, just like in Palestine or just like in

    How will the people in the West change their
    behaviour concerning elections, when they
    themselves have to fear to become a victim
    every second, day by day, anywhere, just
    like the people in Iraq or Lebanon?

    Can you imagine the hysteria in the West,
    if democratic terrorists won´t fight the
    airplanes or airports of the elite, but look at
    everyone and at any house as a target – just
    like it is in Iraq or in Lebanon because of
    Jewish and American democratic forces.
    Can you imagine the hysteria in the West,
    if only a few privat houses have been hit
    by a bazooka?

    The West doesn´t want `islam fascism´. What
    do they (e.g. Bush) want to tell us by this?
    Perhaps they prefer terrorism going democratic?

    Did you notice the democratic politics of
    German chancellor Dr. Merkel and German
    Foreign Minister Steinmeier? For about a
    fortnight the Jewish warcrimes in Lebanon
    against civillians caused a lot of casualties
    – targeting houses was allowed by the Israelian
    leaders -, and the major part of the world called
    for a cease fire.

    But not the democratic German politics.

    Democratic Merkel and democratic Steinmeier
    said, there must be no cease fire!
    (later on they had to cave in but not voluntarily)
    Terrorists bound to fascism should go
    democratic and take Merkel and Steinmeier
    as an example!

    Equal rights for all!

    Why should only the people in Afghanistan,
    Iraq, Palestine and Lebanon enjoy the advantages
    of democratic terrorism? The people in the West
    should have the same basic democratic rights.

    USrael always preaches `freedom´ to be brought
    to Eastern and Islamic countries. It´s the freedom
    anybody to be killed. The peoples in the West do
    have the same democratic rights for freedom.

    What has the West to fear most? A nuclear bomb?
    Or the simple fact, that the East does simply the same
    like the West has done since longtime? That terrorists
    bound to `fascism´ go democratic and realize:
    If the enemy is democratic, then the we must defend
    in a democratic way, too.

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